Bidding on the drilling services market

The editorial board of BR offers readers an analysis of the drilling services procurement market in the second half of 2017.

If we talk in general about the results of the analysis of purchases in Kazakhstan on the website , then in the period from July to December 2017, the organizers – customers of drilling services submitted applications for 5.4 billion tenge (hereinafter excluding VAT – ed.). The guidelines for our research were three main types of drilling – RC, core drilling, as well as drilling and blasting.

In the total volume of requested labor (goods, works and services), the largest amount of funds was allocated for core drilling – 2,076 billion tenge, RC drilling accounted for 2,026 billion tenge.

TOP 5 largest bidders

According to RC technology, suppliers, according to the tender documentation of the second half of 2017, must drill more than 326 thousand linear meters. The main customers are JSC Komarovsky Mining Enterprise and JSC Altyntau Kokshetau. The maximum amount of work was noted according to the tender of JSC Komarovsky Mining Enterprise (2017.OI-165307 – hereinafter referred to as the purchase code in the NADLoC agency register) – 242.7 thousand linear meters, the minimum – according to the tender of the Kokshetau division of the Altyntau group (2017.OI-199803) – 83.7 thousand linear meters. Moreover, according to the "Altyntau Kokshetau" tender, the winning price turned out to be the maximum (7612 tenge per linear meter), according to the tender of the "Komarovsky Mining Enterprise" – the minimum (5718 tenge per linear meter). On average, the winning cost of drilling with reverse circulation in the period from June to December 2017 amounted to 6,204 tenge per linear meter. Prices are shown without VAT.
The tenderers were particularly interested in core drilling technology. Recall that the cost of services here varies depending on the use of drilling diameter (BQ,HQ,NQ,PQ).

This year, the minimum level of the winning price of NQ was 14,660 tenge per linear meter (2017.OI-167213, the customer is Vostoktsvetmet LLP), the maximum is 40 thousand tenge (according to the tender 2017.OK-170015, the customer is Vostoktsvetmet LLP). The average winning cost of drilling with such a diameter is 23,112 tenge per linear meter. Prices are also shown without VAT
As for the HQ method, the minimum winning price was formed at the level of 2,990 tenge (according to the tender 2017.OI-176533, the customer is Adaikolsky Redmet LLP), the maximum is 54,941 tenge (according to the tender 2017.OK-170260, the customer is KAZ Minerals Bozshakol). The average winning price of drilling by the HQ method was 28,512 tenge. We remind you that the prices are without VAT.
Drilling services with a gradually decreasing diameter of HQ–NQ in the second half of 2017 were less in demand compared to the first half of the same year. The only bidder interested in them was Korund LLP (2017.OI-169237). The winning price for this tender was 17,410 tenge excluding VAT.

The analysis of the results of tenders makes it possible to identify companies that set the direction for the market. In the second half of the year, the five largest bidders included: Komarovsky Mining Enterprise, Altyntau Kokshetau JSC, KAZ Minerals Bozshakol, KAZAKHALTYN Mining and Metallurgical Concern (table "Top 5 winners of tenders for drilling operations by the cost of purchased TRUS").

We remind you that the price parameters presented by us should be considered relative, taking into account the technical specifications of drilling services (drilling depths and subspecies of work).
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